
A Glimpse at Greatness: What’s to Come at Dare to be Great.

W O W ! It’s almost time for the fall Dare to be Great Conference, and we have some awesome speakers from INdigital lined up for you, and we are looking forward to kicking October 6th off for you folks! Like we’ve said before, this conference is about you and helping you to be confident, bold, mindful, great and so much more! A handful of our team was you, so they get it. They’ve been in your shoes, they’re walking with you, and we all want to help keep you and your community safe. . .

An Introduction to the Impact of Innovation

I’d like to officially introduce myself, I am Laken. I have been with INdigital for over a month now, and I am excited to bring my background in social media to a different field! I come from an athletics background, so there has been a learning curve, but I have already learned A LOT in my short time.

Once a month, INdigital will be writing a guest blog post for Within the Trenches, sometimes it will be about the technology INdigital has for you, other times it will be something more personal. Honestly, the opportunities are endless. . .